Monday, March 8, 2010

Clarity in the Muck #1

Have you ever tried to get a look at something on the bottom of a creek bed and the water gets mucky when it gets stirred up? You're straining to see if what you thought you saw really is there? You have to wait until all the silt settles back down and the water is clear again. Do you feel like that is what you are experiencing? Life seems to be mucky and cloudy; you've lost clarity. And haven't we experienced times in life where the muck seems to be unending? What then? It turns out there really are absolutes and principles to live by so the muck of life doesn't turn you upside down waiting for the muck to go away.

So this will be a series of principles to live by in the muck of life.

Clarity #1 In order for muck to not permeate your soul you must have a foundation. The reality is that there are absolutes in life. The first being that there is a Creator who is above all the muck. That means there is order. There is Someone bigger than the muck.


  1. Muck in the Stream (Creek)… in the wild if one stirs up the “Muck” in a stagnate pool of a creek it could take hours for it to settle just to be in the same pool the next time one looks into it. So if the muck represents Bad… Then fresh water would represent that which would wash that bad (Muck) away or give clarity to the “Bottom”. In the wild one would look for some fresh “Running” Water to deal with the muck. So in the analogy one would look for the Fresh Moving Water (Instruction) of the Creator… And keep it flowing. James 1:19-21
